Friday, June 4, 2010

schools out!

Tomorrow it is at least.
If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty excited for summer.
Aka: swimming, going to the beach, sleepovers, {I do get to have them during school year, but we're really busy.} and all that jazz.
Tomorrow is the last day! I actually can't believe it. Where did the year go?
Wow! Seems like it went awful fast.

Here's a photo to brighten your day like it did mine. :]

Isn't it cute? Aww...

p.s Welcome new commenters! It makes my day to know someone discovered my lil bloggy. :]

photo credit: weheartit


Can do mom said...

Yep, we're almost there! I want to commend you, Leah, for a job well done. You are an excellent student!

Love, Mom

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Cutest. Picture. EVER.