Sunday, January 22, 2012


School and life have been keeping me pretty busy.
My life is about to get much busier for the next few weeks, though.  Tomorrow, in fact, I leave for South Dakota for work.  I'll be there for two weeks, and then my mom leaves for Vegas for a working trip a few days after I get home.  Our family isn't going to be together much until mid February!
Hopefully then life will settle down a bit. :)

I'm loving Pinterest so much! Here's some of my favorites:
(some may not be from Pinterest)

I probably won't be blogging while I'm gone, but you never know!



Can do mom said...

We will miss you but we'll hold down the fort in your absence. Just think: You'll have a nice, clean closet to return to! ;)


Elisa said...

Wow! South Dakota? Niice! :) Have a safe trip!

and I <3 Pinterest too ^-^