Wednesday, August 24, 2011

a picture is worth a thousand words

Here it is, the end of summer.
I have to say, I am ready for school to be starting. A new year, with new things to learn. (please don’t be too hard geometry!) Anywho, this has been a great summer. I took a trip to the UK & Paris, got my permit and took a trip to the Duluth & the cabin.
I’m so excited for what Fall brings, such as my aunt and uncles famous Fall hayride, baking and wearing leggings. (When I was about 10 I swore I’d never be as “uncool”, as say, a mom & wear leggings. Well. Looks like I’m about to be “uncool”. ;)


my brothers lunch!


Hey, summer. I’ll be more than ready for you next year.


Can do mom said...

Okay, I know I may be a bit (just a BIT) biased but your photography is really AMAZING! I love the photo of Maybelle, it's beautiful.

And the grass.

And the pouring water.


Haley said...

I loved looking at all the pictures! You're a really good photographer! :) I'm doing geometry this year, too, and so far I really like it. :) I think it's fun, and I usually can't stand math, so that's saying something. ;)


Leah Marie said...

Thanks, Mom!

Thank you! Really? Math isn’t my favorite, so it would be a wonderful surprise to like it! :)

Emily said...

Haha HEY I'm at college and I'm looking at your blog for something inspiring. You are boss with these photos, girl! 14333333. <3 x

Laura said...

awesome! I'm so ready for fall, but I'm gonna die, missing summer. oh well.
♥, Laura

Savories of life said...

Is your dog a yorkie? We have one too!! Answer my question on my blog.